27 research outputs found

    Open-ended evolution to discover analogue circuits for beyond conventional applications

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9163-8. Copyright @ Springer 2012.Analogue circuits synthesised by means of open-ended evolutionary algorithms often have unconventional designs. However, these circuits are typically highly compact, and the general nature of the evolutionary search methodology allows such designs to be used in many applications. Previous work on the evolutionary design of analogue circuits has focused on circuits that lie well within analogue application domain. In contrast, our paper considers the evolution of analogue circuits that are usually synthesised in digital logic. We have developed four computational circuits, two voltage distributor circuits and a time interval metre circuit. The approach, despite its simplicity, succeeds over the design tasks owing to the employment of substructure reuse and incremental evolution. Our findings expand the range of applications that are considered suitable for evolutionary electronics

    Genetic-based approach for cue phrase selection in dialogue act recognition

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    Automatic cue phrase selection is a crucial step for designing a dialogue act recognition model using machine learning techniques. The approaches, currently used, are based on specific type of feature selection approaches, called ranking approaches. Despite their computational efficiency for high dimensional domains, they are not optimal with respect to relevance and redundancy. In this paper we propose a genetic-based approach for cue phrase selection which is, essentially, a variable length genetic algorithm developed to cope with the high dimensionality of the domain. We evaluate the performance of the proposed approach against several ranking approaches. Additionally, we assess its performance for the selection of cue phrases enriched by phrase’s type and phrase’s position. The results provide experimental evidences on the ability of the genetic-based approach to handle the drawbacks of the ranking approaches and to exploit cue’s type and cue’s position information to improve the selection. Furthermore, we validate the use of the genetic-based approach for machine learning applications. We use selected sets of cue phrases for building a dynamic Bayesian networks model for dialogue act recognition. The results show its usefulness for machine learning applications

    Explorations in design space: unconventional electronics design through artificial evolution

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    Fitness function evaluation through fractional algorithms

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    This paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the design of combinational logic circuits. The fitness function evaluation is calculated using Fractional Calculus. This approach extends the classical fitness function by including a fractional-order dynamical evaluation. The experiments reveal superior results when comparing with the classical method

    Customizable FPGA IP Core Implementation of a General-Purpose Genetic Algorithm Engine

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    An Evolvable Hardware Platform based on DSP and FPTA

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    The field of evolvable hardware has been fat-ing a consistent problem since it’s inception, that the time taken to find an evolved solution is often limited because of time taken in the simulation of the hardware. We describe in this paper the rationale and design of an evolv-able hardware (EHW) platform based on the use of a stand-alone processor (DSP) and a Field Programmable Transistor Array (FPTA). We demonstrate an improvement of 3 to 4 or-ders of magnitude over state-of-the-art sim-ulation techniques implemented on a super-SPARC processor.

    Transistor Level Circuit Experiments using Evolvable Hardware

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    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) performs research in fault tolerant, long life, and space survivable electronics for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). With that focus, JPL has been involved in Evolvable Hardware (EHW) technology research for the past several years. We have advanced the technology not only by simulation and evolution experiments, but also by designing, fabricating, and evolving a variety of transistor-based analog and digital circuits at the chip level. EHW refers to self-configuration of electronic hardware by evolutionary/genetic search mechanisms, thereby maintaining existing functionality in the presence of degradations due to aging, temperature, and radiation. In addition, EHW has the capability to reconfigure itself for new functionality when required for mission changes or encountered opportunities. Evolution experiments are performed using a genetic algorithm running on a DSP as the reconfiguration mechanism and controlling the evolvable hardware mounted on a self-contained circuit board. Rapid reconfiguration allows convergence to circuit solutions in the order of seconds. The paper illustrates hardware evolution results of electronic circuits and their ability to perform under 230 C temperature as well as radiations of up to 250 kRad